#11 Who is "Teddy" in Teddy Bear? 🧸
NO, it's not a random name! Teddy Bear has a very INTERESTING story behind its name, read on...

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🤯 WOAHHH! fact
Teddy was the nickname of the former US President - Theodore Roosevelt.
But how did a US President's name go to a popular soft toy? 🧸
Super interesting story:
This cartoon from Washington Post, 1902 was the inspiration of a Teddy Bear. What? Why??

Theodore Roosevelt went on a hunting trip in Mississippi.
He wanted to shoot a bear, but couldn't find one.
The hunting party spread out to find a bear for him.
They found a bear, but on the way, this bear got into a fight with the hunting dogs and was really injured.
Anyway, they tied this bear to a tree for the President to shoot.
But Roosevelt did not feel this was good sportsmanship and refused to shoot the injured bear.
This act of compassion got national attention - the cartoon shared above is the best example.
The cartoon inspired candy shop owners - N.Y. Rose and Morris Michtom, to make up a stuffed plush bear. They displayed it in their shop window, calling it “Teddy's Bear".

It was an overnight hit!
The Michtoms had to get Roosevelt's permission to use his name. Roosevelt obliged, and their business took off.
Instead of selling candy, the couple started the Ideal Toy Company, one of the largest doll-making companies in the US.
While Morris Michtom's created the first "Teddy's Bear", German toymaker Richard Steiff had designed the first commercially successful teddy bear.
In 1902, Steiff created a jointed bear - Bear 55 PB - with movable limbs and a huggable body, which quickly became popular.
Steiff is now one of the most famous teddy bear brands in the world.

The most expensive Teddy Bear was created by a collab between Steiff and a popular luxury brand. It was sold for over ₹1 crore (€213,720), becoming the most expensive teddy bear, as recognised by the Guinness World Records.

Which brand was this collab with?
Hint: Check the logo on the Teddy's clothes.
🤗 This week at APH (Arey Pata Hai?!)
We released the MUCH-AWAITED video, where we answered QUIZ questions sent by you all! SO much love was received on this ❤️

Shout out to our team and family - Jatin, Sanskriti, Parth, Pankaj and Nidhi didi for going through hundreds of questions, selecting the good ones, fact-checking all the answers, making these chits with the questions + sender's name & spraying water from behind the cam when we gave the wrong answers (most important ;P)❤️
💌 A comment that made our week
Keeps us going, not even exaggerating! :)

✅ QUIZ answer
Louis Vitton it is. Sold in October 2000 at a charity event by auction house Christie's in Monaco.
Currently at display in Teddy Bear Museum display, South Korea, as it was bought by Jesse Kim from Korea.
👋 See you with another fun fact, next Wednesday.
Stay weirdly curious! 🔫
Team APH
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