#8 Holiday meant Holy Day?

Exploring the origins of the holiday-related words. Come join our curious, vacay mode :)

#8 Holiday meant Holy Day?
Photo by Clint Patterson / Unsplash

You are reading the 8th edition of our fun + informative newsletter, which like you, is in a holiday mood ;)

To everyone who is new here - WELCOMEEE!

Every Wednesday, we share:

  • 🤯 A WOAHHH! fact
  • 💭 A Quiz for you (with the answer at the end)
  • 🤗 An Update about us
  • ❤️ A Comment that made our week

All the CRAZY 7 previous editions can be read here. Now let's jump into some holiday-related facts:

🤯 WOAHHH! fact

These are 3 very common, holiday-related word which we use frequently. But their word origins blew our minds! Told ya this newsletter is in its "vacay mode on" zone.

HOLIDAY: Holiday really did mean Holy days! In Old English, it was written haligdæg or hali-dægh (hālig for "holy" and dæg for "day"). Holy Days marked important religious festivals in the church calendar.

Back then, everyone would participate in the religious festival, and no work would be done on that particular day. The word evolved with time and the first recorded spelling as holiday was in 1460 AD. This is also when it took on a more secular meaning as "a day when commoners were exempt from labor".

TOUR: The word "tour" finds its roots in the Old French term "torner," meaning "to turn" or "make a circuit." This Old French word is derived from the Latin word "tornare," which also means "to turn" or "to make a turn." This term gradually evolved to denote a journey or circuitous trip - starting and ending at the same point!

And it also gave birth to the "tourism" industry and us being called "tourists"...

JOURNEY: This word comes from the Old French term "jornee" which meant "a day's travel" or "a day's work." Yup, "life" was not a journey. Only a "day" was (haha).

And this French word was derived from the Latin word "diurnum," meaning "day." Also explains why a book of "day to day" account is called journal...and the one who is reporting daily events is called a journalist 👀

If you these facts blew your minds or if you learnt something new from them, let us know, please? We love reading your responses :)


This word comes from a French term meaning a document was required in order to pass through the harbors customs or through the gate of a city wall. What is this word?

Enough hints in the question itself...

🤗 This week at APH (Arey Pata Hai?!)

The holidays got us a little busy in making some REALLLYYY special things for you. We want to say so much about all of it but for now here is our Christmas picture :)

Keep checking your emails as the special things land in your inbox very soon!❤️

💌 A comment that made our week

Our logo/profile picture got into a little wintery mood too, and wore a Santa cap. Made us happy that someone noticed the random, fun things we do😂🎅

Thank you, Sangam :)

Just like how so many of you notice the stuff on the planter in the quizzes🪴😅

✅ QUIZ answer

The word is Passport - from French passeport, which is a combination of passer ‘to pass’ + port ‘seaport’. So passport literally is a permission to pass out of a port...CRAZY! 🙀

👋 See you super sooon and on next Wednesday as well ;)

Do check your mail on the last day of the year❤️

Team APH

PS: We personally revert to every single reply on this newsletter. Waiting to know if you liked it :)

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Read all the previous 7 editions here. Promise they are all equally interesting🤩

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